
Loving Hands Helping Sick Children

As Katie’s Krusaders, our goal is to raise our community’s, and ultimately the nation’s, awareness of the incidence of cancer in children.  We want to raise funds to provide some financial as well as personal support for those children suffering with cancer or other childhood diseases, and their families, during this most difficult time.   And we want to do this in memory of our beloved Katie Ann Duffin, who gives witness to the struggle, the bravery, and the boundless love of these children.


Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Laurel Lanes 2825 Route 73 South
Maple Shade, NJ
Minimum Pledge per Bowler: $40.00
Cost includes 3 Games, lunch and door prizes
For complete details, go to our
Events and Fundraiser Page

and don’t forget to
Download Our Pledge Sheet

Devin Smeltzer

In 2006, Phillies second baseman Chase Utley met 9-year-old cancer patient Devin Smeltzer, who was receiving treatment at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children.  Utley took time out from his pregame routine to sign Smeltzer’s hat.   Fast forward to 2018, Chase Utley is playing for the Dodgers when Devin, a cancer survivor,  began playing for the Dodgers minor league team.  Today Devin is a Minnesota Twins starting pitcher.   Devin sponsors our Golf Outing and  supports Katie’s Krusaders by attending our events, bringing in sponsors and auction items, and setting up unique events of his own.   

Our dream  became a reality  – A Ronald McDonald House at
St. Christopher’s Hospital,  Front and Erie Sts., Philadelphia, PA

                 Katie’s Krusaders
     PO BOX 252 – Doylestown, PA 18901
     Email: Info@KatiesKrusaders.com